pondělí 26. května 2008

Ice Bat is back in Prague from Finland

First he was sittin on a bus From Jyväskylä to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport with a tranfer in Lahti.

Then he enjoyed some last views on Finnish cities.

And after that he checked in on the airport.

And then home sweet home halelujah.

3 komentáře:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

whoah, I didn't know you live in the block ;-) that's why, I guess, Ice Bat is soooo cooooool ;D

Don Insalata řekl(a)...
Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.
Anonymní řekl(a)...

it is nothing, errrr, I don't know, my Rat was asking how Ice Bat is doing, errr, any re-entry culture shock? tempreture shock? any shock?